We, the community of Joel Barlow High School, believe in a rigorous, dynamic education that respects the diversity of student aspirations. Through an open and active exchange of ideas, we seek to promote values, knowledge and skills that foster meaningful inquiry, personal integrity, individual well-being, global citizenship, and continuous independent learning.
A measure of an education, that which will sustain learning beyond Joel Barlow High School, is the vital exchange between educators and students. We hold to the tenets of that exchange: stimulation of the intellect, the cultivation of independent inquiry, the fostering of thoughtful behavior, a sense of wonder, the quest for truth. By using their minds well, all students will have opportunities to appreciate the triumphs, frustrations, and incongruities of the human spirit.
We, the community of Joel Barlow High School, believe in a rigorous, dynamic education that respects the diversity of student abilities and interests. Committed to an open and active exchange of ideas, we promote values, knowledge, and skills that foster personal integrity, intellectual curiosity, individual well-being, and civic responsibility.