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Health Services

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Welcome to the Nurse’s Office

Contact the Nurse

Josie Thomas, RN, BSN

Hours: 7:00 am – 3:00 pm

Phone: 203-938-2508 x1513

Fax: 203-938-7035

  • “Call the Line by 9!”  To help streamline the attendance reporting for absences, tardies, or early dismissals parents/guardians are asked to notify the office prior to 9:00 am.

    When a student will be tardy, absent, or must be dismissed early, parents/guardians must notify the attendance office prior to 9:00 a.m. of the same day. 

    Two ways to accomplish this: 

    1. Complete the JBHS Online Daily Attendance Reporting Form located in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Once using this form, consider bookmarking the form.     
      *This form is to be the most efficient way to notify the school. 
    2. Leaving a message on the Attendance Line at 203-938-2508, Extension 1222 select Option 2 when calling the school.
  • All students attending school with a cast, sling, splint, immobilizer, or on crutches must:

    1. Report to the nurse upon arriving at school.

    2. Present written orders from a physician specifying injury, any restricted activity, the duration of restriction and if a wheelchair or elevator is needed while in school.

    3. For the child to return to full activity another MD note is required, stating that the child is cleared to participate in PE and sports. 

  • Following are some guidelines to help decide when to keep your child home:

    • Vomiting/Diarrhea can be very uncomfortable. If your child has these symptoms they need to stay home until the illness passes. Your child must be 24 hours free from vomiting or diarrhea before they return to school.
    • Fever is a temperature of 100°F or higher. If your child has a fever they must stay at home until they have a normal temperature for 24 hours without taking any medication. A child with a temperature of 100 or higher will be sent home from school.
    • Strep throat is highly contagious, you must keep your child home until they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours. In addition, they must be fever free for 24 hours.
    • COVID – For confirmed cases of COVID, we follow CDC guidelines; this means students must be fever free for 24 hours without medications, and have improved of resolved symptoms. 
    • Pink eye your child must be on antibiotics for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
    • Mononucleosis — As advised by physician (usual considerations: fever-free for 24 hours, rested, eating normally and able to sustain at least a half day of academic activity).
    • Varicella (Chicken Pox) — Children with chickenpox are contagious for 1-2 days before the rash appears and continue to be contagious until all the blisters are crusted over (usually 6-8 days).
    • Pediculosis (Head Lice) — Up to the discretion of school personnel (school nurse & principal)

    If the symptoms of a cold/cough interfere with your child's ability to work in class, then a day of rest may be a good idea. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s health please contact us.

    Extra fluids and rest are the best medicine for the common cold. The common cold is highly contagious, hand washing is your best defense!

    • A written medication order from an authorized prescriber and parent/guardian written authorization are required, for school nurses, or in the absence of a nurse, other designated personnel to administer medication, including over-the-counter medications. (The permission form for this can be found in the Forms tab)
    • Medications must be in the original, properly labeled container.
    • Over-the-counter medications must be delivered in an unopened, properly labeled container.
    •  ALL medications must be delivered to/from school by a parent or guardian.
    • All medication will be destroyed if not picked up by the last day of school.
  • The Policy requires all athletes to have a current physical on file with the nurse prior to trying out for any team. Physicals are valid for thirteen months from the date of the exam. If the physical expires during the participant’s season, a new physical is required. Two physicals are acceptable:

    • The blue State of Connecticut health assessment record includes a section for sports clearance.
    • A Sports physical can be completed by a family pediatrician or a provider in any walk-in clinic like CVS, AFC, etc.

    Either form must be completed and on file in the Health Office prior to tryouts. No student may try out until a current health form is on file. Only the school nurse can clear athletes for participation. No health form should be given to a coach. The sports physical is for SPORTS ONLY and does not fulfill the requirements for a complete physical as required in 10th grade.

  • JBHS Allergy Resource Page – this is a student created and maintained page - access with ER9 email only.